Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro

(Leonardo Filipe Rodrigues Ribeiro)

I'm an Applied Scientist for Amazon AGI at Seattle. I'm broadly interested in the intersection of deep learning and natural language processing (NLP). My work focuses on building more powerful, robust and updatable Large Language Models (LLMs) that perform well on a wide range of NLP tasks. My research interests include controllable text generation, summarization and knowledge-intensive NLP tasks such as question answering.

I completed my PhD in computer science at UKP Lab at Technical University of Darmstadt, advised by Iryna Gurevych. During my PhD, I worked on generation models for summarization and that produce fluent text from structured data.

In the academic community, I have held leadership roles at premier NLP conferences such as Tutorial Chair in ACL 2024 and Area Chair in EACL 2024, NAACL 2024, ACL 2024, COLING 2022 and for ARR. I also served as a Reviewer/Program Committee Member for NLP conferences.

Before the PhD, I received a MSc degree in Computer and Systems Engineering from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), advised by Daniel Figueiredo. My Erdős number is 3.

Email: leonardofribeiro@gmail.com | Resume | CV

Selected Publications

Speechworthy Instruction-tuned Language Models
Hyundong Cho, Nicolaas Jedema, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Karishma Sharma, Pedro Szekely, Alessandro Moschitti, Ruben Janssen, and Jonathan May
EMNLP 2024
Learning When to Retrieve, What to Rewrite, and How to Respond in Conversational QA
Nirmal Roy, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Rexhina Blloshmi, Kevin Small
EMNLP 2024 (Findings)
FANTAstic SEquences and Where to Find Them: Faithful and Efficient API Call Generation through State-tracked Constrained Decoding and Reranking
Zhuoer Wang, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Alexandros Papangelis, Rohan Mukherjee, Tzu-Yen Wang, Xinyan Zhao, Arijit Biswas, James Caverlee, Angeliki Metallinou
EMNLP 2024 (Findings)
REFINESUMM: Self-Refining MLLM for Generating a Multimodal Summarization Dataset
Vaidehi Patil, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Mengwen Liu, Mohit Bansal, Markus Dreyer
ACL 2024 - 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Measuring Retrieval Complexity in Question Answering Systems
Matteo Gabburo, Nicolaas Paul Jedema, Siddhant Garg, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Alessandro Moschitti
ACL 2024 (Findings) - 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
On the Role of Summary Content Units in Text Summarization Evaluation
Marcel Nawrath, Agnieszka Wiktoria Nowak, Tristan Ratz, Danilo Constantin Walenta, Juri Opitz, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Joao Sedoc, Daniel Deutsch, Simon Mille, Yixin Liu, Sebastian Gehrmann, Lining Zhang, Saad Mahamood, Miruna Clinciu, Khyathi Chandu, Yufang Hou
NAACL 2024 - Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Generating Summaries with Controllable Readability Levels
Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Mohit Bansal, Markus Dreyer
EMNLP 2023 - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Learning to reason over scene graphs: a case study of finetuning GPT-2 into a robot language model for grounded task planning
Georgia Chalvatzaki, Ali Younes, Daljeet Nandha, An Thai Le, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Iryna Gurevych
2023 Frontiers in Robotics and AI
FactGraph: Evaluating Factuality in Summarization with Semantic Graph Representations
Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Mengwen Liu, Iryna Gurevych, Markus Dreyer, Mohit Bansal
NAACL 2022 - Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
UKP-SQUARE: An Online Platform for Question Answering Research
Tim Baumgärtner, Kexin Wang, Rachneet Sachdeva, Max Eichler, Gregor Geigle, Clifton Poth, Hannah Sterz, Haritz Puerto, Leonardo FR Ribeiro, Jonas Pfeiffer, Nils Reimers, Gözde Gül Şahin, Iryna Gurevych
ACL 2022 - 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Demo Track
Structural Adapters in Pretrained Language Models for AMR-to-Text Generation
Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Yue Zhang and Iryna Gurevych
EMNLP 2021 - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Smelting Gold and Silver for Improved Multilingual AMR-to-Text Generation
Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Jonas Pfeiffer, Yue Zhang and Iryna Gurevych
EMNLP 2021 - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Investigating Pretrained Language Models for Graph-to-Text Generation
Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Martin Schmitt, Hinrich Schütze and Iryna Gurevych
NLP for Conversational AI, EMNLP 2021
Modeling Graph Structure via Relative Position for Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs
Martin Schmitt, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Philipp Dufter, Iryna Gurevych, Hinrich Schütze
TextGraphs-15, NAACL 2021
Modeling Global and Local Node Contexts for Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs
Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Yue Zhang, Claire Gardent and Iryna Gurevych
TACL 2020 - Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Enhancing AMR-to-Text Generation with Dual Graph Representations
Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Claire Gardent and Iryna Gurevych
EMNLP 2019 - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Ranking Generated Summaries by Correctness: An Interesting but Challenging Application for Natural Language Inference
Tobias Falke, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Prasetya Ajie Utama, Ido Dagan and Iryna Gurevych
ACL 2019 - 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Performance of Monte Carlo Tree Search Algorithms when Playing the Game Ataxx
Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Daniel R. Figueiredo
ENIAC 2018 - 15th National Meeting on Artificial and Computational Intelligence
struc2vec: Learning Node Representations from Structural Identity
Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Pedro H. P. Saverese, Daniel R. Figueiredo
KDD 2017 - ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Ranking lawyers using a social network induced by legal cases
Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Daniel R. Figueiredo
JBCS - Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 23(6), 2017

Professional Service

Served as Reviewer/Program Committee Member in the following events:
Served as reviewer to the following journals: